A Brief Overview on Pressure Vessel Fabrication

April 14, 2020

Pressure vessel fabrication is an extremely complicated process. It involves the controlled cutting, bending, welding and assembling processes of metals for vessel fabrication. Aside from that, there are several safety requirements that must be adhered. Below is a brief overview on pressure vessel fabrication.

Safety Requirements

Australia adheres to the safety standard set by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). This is a code for pressure vessel fabrication. ASME standard basically provides rules for design and fabrication of pressure vessels in order to validate their safety, increase their longevity and functional value. However, as per the specifications given by the client, manufacturers can fabricate pressure vessels that exceed the requirements of the ASME Code. Other geographic jurisdictions have independent design and manufacturing codes and standards which may or may not adopt elements of the ASME Code.

Welding and Fabrication of Pressure Vessels

The ASME BPVC Standards Section VIII governs the of pressure vessel manufacture (and fabrication) comprises of 3 divisions. The first division deals with requirements that are mandatory as well as non-mandatory guidance for designing and fabrication techniques along with choice of material. The latter two divisions cover alternative rules for construction and welding of parts of pressure vessels.

Pressure Vessel Fabrication Process

In order to assemble or fabricate and tack the welded metal parts in place during the construction of pressure vessels some or all of the following steps may be required. First is the selection of raw material s that are commonly used material for fabrication are plate, pipe, forgings, structural shapes, welding rod or wire, etc. After that is the cutting and burning of the raw material as per the specified requirements, then the machining of certain parts if needed. Assembling and welding the parts of pressure vessel followed by cooling of the weld and sand blasting it before applying primer and paint.

For more information on the pressure vessel fabrication process consult Fusion-Weld Engineering. We are formed in to satisfy increasing demand for reliable and quality produced pressure vessels, shell and tube heat exchangers, specialised fabrications and modular skid mounted chemical process plants. We service all industries that require and use pressure equipment within their Plant, from very small air receiver vessels to large and complex static storage vessels, process vessels and columns used in the Gas Storage Industry, Power Industry, Petrochemical / Pharmaceutical Plants, Oil and Gas Refineries.

We also have the ability to develop complete engineering designs in-house based on Clients raw engineering process data and similarly we work to clients specified engineering packages and technical specifications. Our facilities are well suited to pressure vessel manufacture with vessels weighing up to 200 Tonnes fabricated weight recently completed

Contact Details

Fusion - Weld Engineering Pty Ltd
ABN 98 068 987619

1865 Frankston Flinders Road,
Hastings, VIC 3915

Ph: (03) 5909 8218

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