Understanding Modular and Skid Mounted Process Plants

January 10, 2023

Lack of available workers, adjustments to policy problems with the supply chain, unfavourable weather, and schedule modifications are the difficulties that arise during building projects that never seem to end. Always and in every instance, we see the truth in the proverb that "necessity is the parent of ingenuity." To solve this problem, modular process skids were developed.

Companies constructing processing systems and facilities like us here at Fusion Weld always seek new methods to increase efficiency, save costs, and develop more effective procedures. There is a great deal of upheaval in the market environment, which searches for efficiency an even greater priority. Utilising modular process skid packages is one method businesses may use to improve their overall efficiency.

What is a Modular Process Skid?

A processing system that can be easily transported and integrated into the final processing facility or application is called a modular process skid. This type of processing system is constructed into a frame or module. A wide variety of sectors use modular process skids, including the oil and gas industry, the petrochemical sector, the electricity sector, agriculture, the food and beverage sector, the pharmaceutical sector, and the biofuels sector.

They may house a stand-alone process, such as one that can plug in along an oil pipeline to regulate flow or one that is used as a pilot plant, for example, but they may also contain just one part of a larger process, such as in a chemical plant or a manufacturer of beverages. This is the case when the process in question occurs in a manufacturing facility. In addition to distillation and flavour mixing, flavour delivery systems, centrifuge systems, distillation, and petroleum processing may all be found on modular process skids.

Materials Used to Construct Skid-Mounted Plants

Numerous kinds of skid-mounted process equipment, such as heat exchangers and instrumentation, pipes and valves, pressure vessels, and wiring, are all components of modular skid-mounted process plants. A skid-mounted plant comprises several components that may be housed on single or multiple skids. Skids are connected by plant engineers working onsite to create massive treatment facilities.

Benefits of These Skid Plants

The building of skids offers a wide variety of benefits. The process systems can be built off-site while civil upgrades and overall facility construction can be performed simultaneously, preventing the construction teams from tripping each other and causing delays. Parallel construction is one of the most significant advantages, particularly in the case of the construction of a large facility.

Off-Site Building Advantage

Another advantage is that the process skid may be created off-site, behind closed doors, and in a safe area if the proprietary technology is employed. Building skids can be advantageous even when the weather is poor since modular process skids can be constructed inside buildings in more favourable conditions. The construction will go as planned because the weather is less likely to cause a delay. Because the area can be managed, there is also an increase in safety. This is especially important to keep in mind if the new process system is installed in an existing facility since the building of the new facility may have a detrimental impact on the activities already in place.

Building a process skid off-site is even more crucial during turnarounds and shutdowns because it enables the skid to be ready for installation as soon as the shutdown begins, alleviating worries about safety and schedule.

The extra benefit of having a single source of accountability is another advantage in addition to the cheaper costs and shorter timelines offered. As a result of all of these factors, the utilisation of modular process skid systems has grown widespread across various business sectors.

Contact Details

Fusion - Weld Engineering Pty Ltd
ABN 98 068 987619

1865 Frankston Flinders Road,
Hastings, VIC 3915

Ph: (03) 5909 8218

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