Quality Storage Vessels

September 2, 2013

Pressure equipment comes with inherent dangers. The weight, the pressure and the nature of chemicals often used with it create risks that could cause financial or personnel disasters. By paying attention to four factors, these dangers can be minimized.

The first step is choosing a source of pressure equipment. Since pressure equipment is generally part of a storage, delivery or manufacturing system, having a pressure equipment vendor who is experienced is a massive head start on designing a safe system. Vendors who are experienced in the engineering can be an invaluable asset, acting the part of design consultant as much as a place to get components. Mating incompatible components or building a system with logistics problems could dramatically increase the danger associated with pressure equipment.

The next step is setting the stage for the equipment. Does it require a certain temperature to operate safely? What about a certain level of humidity? Again, a quality vendor is the best source of this information. By housing pressure equipment in the best manner possible, both the durability and safety of it is enhanced.

After the correct environment for the equipment is created, it is time for the install. For stationary pressure equipment, having enough support and clearance is crucial in the avoidance of accidents. The weight of any large piece of industrial equipment is such that a poor installation is unacceptable.

The last and most complicated safety concern is regulating the personnel who will be working with and around the equipment. A quick list of very general "do this, do not do this" type of rules can be compiled from a talk with any vendor of pressure equipment. Having that talk with a vendor who has experience in real world applications will move beyond the universal rules and help create an operation plan for a specific situation. Situational rules may result from problems that are difficult to foresee, like the noise of large deliveries masking the alert sounds of monitoring equipment. This sort of problem can be solved with either procedure, like scheduling work with the equipment when deliveries are not occurring, or through infrastructure, like building a sound buffer between the equipment and the delivery area.

Once all the pieces are in place, it is simply a matter of ensuring that they stay that way. Regular inspections of the equipment to ensure its soundness are mandatory for safety minded companies. Likewise, regular monitoring of staff to ensure that they are complying with safety regulations can prevent disaster.

Contact Details

Fusion - Weld Engineering Pty Ltd
ABN 98 068 987619

1865 Frankston Flinders Road,
Hastings, VIC 3915

Ph: (03) 5909 8218

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