
What are the Risks and Hazards Involved in Pressure Vessel Equipment?

December 14, 2020

When dealing with pressure equipment, there are a variety of risks present due to misuse of the equipment or accidents around the equipment. While the actual causes of the danger could vary greatly, the actual inherent risk associated with pressure equipment comes from only three sources.

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How to Know if Your Pressure Equipment Needs Repair or Replacement?

December 4, 2020

Pressure equipment, like other industrial equipment, is subject to failure or damage. Also like other types of equipment, when it becomes damaged, the decision must be made whether to repair or replace. Deciding which option makes more sense is always a situational choice, but follows the same steps and logic.

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An Overview of Methods in Manufacturing the Basic Metal Structures of Storage Tanks

November 23, 2020

There are two methods involved in manufacturing the basic metal structures of storage tanks. They are the plate-by-plate method and the coiling method. Below is an overview of their roles and function.

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Understanding the Fabrication Procedure for Large Site-Built Vertical Steel Tanks

November 9, 2020

Like any other fabrication procedure, the fabrication of large site-built vertical steel tanks requires superior and optimum materials. To ensure such, it is important that all of these undergo an initial inspection, followed by metal preparation and subsequent methods, and lastly quality control examination. To better comprehend such a technical process, here is an overview of the fabrication procedure for large site-built vertical steel tanks.

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An Overview about Field Erected Tanks

October 22, 2020

The storage tank needs may vary for different projects, with a field erected tank being the suitable solution for some projects while some other type of tank being fit for other projects. If you think your project requires a field erected storage tank, it’s important to know certain things about such tanks. Below is an overview about field erected tanks.

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Things to Consider in Choosing Quality Pressure Equipment

October 9, 2020

One of the lines businesses try to walk is getting value for purchased equipment without paying too much. This line forces the purchasing manager to consider decisions without prior regard to the closest possible cost. When calculating, the bottom line is too many purchasing decision-makers have an alarming tendency to underestimate the impact of these estimations. Consequently, overestimating them is the most possible mistake they commit

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The Importance of Inspection and Safety Checks for Transportable Pressure Vessels

September 28, 2020

It is possible for transportable pressure vessels to incur a certain amount of damage upon installation. Since they are structured to be fastened to a static metal frame or welded onto a toughened mounting platform, the exactingly engineered vessels are then exposed to great pressures. Tortuous temperatures also persist in many processing environments. Built to safely convey pressurized gasses and combustible fluids, special conveyance solutions are imperative here so that the vessels can function as intended. Below is the importance of inspection and safety checks for transportable pressure vessels.

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Sulphuric Acid Tanks for Industrial Use

September 10, 2020

Imagine a scenario where sulphuric acid is used. Now, take yourself inside that scenario supposing you are a manufacturer of this exceptionally destructive synthetic. At that point, you should discover suitable strategies to protect it.

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What are the 4 Types of Underground Storage Tanks?

August 28, 2020

In any event 10 per cent of a tank's volume is covered underground, it tends to be named as underground storage tank (UST). Underground funnels comprise a few underground tanks. These tanks are then utilised to store controlled fluids, for example, oil or some other unsafe substances. The codes and regulations of certain nations attempt to forestall fluid spillage that can defile soil and underground water.

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Understanding Industrial Chemical Storage Tanks

August 13, 2020

With regards to putting away ignitable substances, dangerous mixes, and profoundly destructive chemicals in mass amounts -- industrial storage tanks have gotten essential. These dependable storage units are perfect to keep them safe and forestall the danger of spilling. It is normally realized that when these chemical tanks spill, they may come into contact with people and cause the skin to consume.

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A Complete Guide to the Construction of Oil Storage Tank

July 31, 2020

An oil storage tank is an above-ground storage tank that is made up of metal. It's intended to store a range of industrial fluids and oil, particularly the unrefined variant. According to leading industrial tank manufacturers, this standard offers guidelines on its construction investigation, alteration, repair, and reconstruction of all above-ground steel tank utilized in businesses. Below is a complete guide to the construction of oil storage tank.

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An Essential Guide to Fabricated Storage Tanks

July 14, 2020

Storage tank has an amazingly wide definition. While it sounds sufficiently straightforward, custom fabricated storage tanks can be planned and worked to contain organic fluids, non-organic fluids, fumes, or solids. These custom tanks are explicitly structured and worked in light of a customer's need and utilisation. Enterprises where storage tanks can be found are commonly businesses devouring or creating great, fluids, and or fumes. Enterprises like oil either in delivering or manufacturing oil, concoction building and or manufacturing, and the agribusiness business for mass storage. Below is an essential guide to fabricated storage tanks.

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An Overview About Industrial Fuel Storage Tanks

June 29, 2020

Generally speaking, industrial storage tanks are used to contain gas, oil, water and petro-chemical products for industrial usage. It has several sizes and shapes and can be positioned underground, horizontal and vertical. It can also be made out of concrete, stone, fiberglass, steel or plastic. Since it has various styles, uses and functions, they are most often categorised based on the substance they contain. One major category is industrial fuel storage tanks. Below is an overview of industrial fuel storage tanks.

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Pressure Equipment Inspection and the Role of AICIP Pressure Vessel Inspector

June 12, 2020

Pressure equipment, in itself is a technicality most people don't want to associate with. For them, it is an extremely complicated matter best left for experts. In simpler terms, pressure equipment are made to contain high-pressure liquids and state-changing chemicals. In order to do this efficiently, pressure equipment must have high-temperature exchangers that operates and adheres to certain standards. As such, these details must be thoroughly inspected and quite frankly would not necessarily suffice.

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Code-Compliant High Pressure Vessel Manufacturer in Australia

May 27, 2020

It is very important to understand the mandatory requirements and applicable Australian Standards (AS) if you opt to acquire a high-pressure vessel in Australia. It is to not only ensure your equipment is safe to operate, but also avoid fines that may come with non-compliance to Australia’s current safety laws and legislation. Below are reason why you should choose a code compliant high pressure vessel manufacturer in Australia.

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Air Receiver Vessels: How Often Should They Be Inspected?

May 15, 2020

An air receiver is probably the most common type of unfired pressure vessel. However, due to minimum size inspection thresholds employed by the vast majority of jurisdictions, many of the smaller air receivers will not qualify for a mandatory in service inspection. The typical inspection threshold sizes referenced in jurisdictional regulations are 5 cubic feet or 15 cubic feet in volume as long as the maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) does not exceed 250 psi, or 1-½ cubic feet in volume as long as the MAWP does not exceed 600 psi. The inspector must review the jurisdiction's inspection requirements to ensure compliance with the appropriate size and pressure limitations.

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A Brief Overview on Pressure Vessel Fabrication

April 22, 2020

Pressure vessel fabrication is an extremely complicated process. It involves the controlled cutting, bending, welding and assembling processes of metals for vessel fabrication. Aside from that, there are several safety requirements that must be adhered. Below is a brief overview on pressure vessel fabrication.

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Significance of Weight Measurements in Pressure Vessel Design

April 14, 2020

A pressure vessel is a container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure substantially different from the ambient pressure. Pressure vessels can be dangerous, and fatal accidents have occurred in the history of their development and operation. Consequently, pressure vessel design, manufacture, and operation are regulated by engineering authorities backed by legislation. For these reasons, the definition of a pressure vessel varies from country to country.

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Pressure Vessel Designs That Meet Industry Requirements

March 27, 2020

Pressure vessel designs need to be highly detailed and meet or exceed various industry requirements in order to operate safely and efficiently. Most of the time manufacturers of the vessels are adept at making both non-code and ISO or ASME vessels. Which type is right for you depends upon why you require one.

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A Brief Introduction to ASME Codes, and Their Importance to Pressure Vessel Manufacturing

March 13, 2020

Pressure vessels must be built with utmost care to ensure that they operate safely at all times. The reason for this is that their purpose is to hold volatile liquids, semi-solid substances and gases at specific pressures and at times, temperatures. All this means that it is mandatory for the manufacturers to adhere to all necessary specifications during the design, engineering, and fabrication stages in order to include all features that help the pressure vessels perform optimally day after day.

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The Importance of Frequent Inspections to Minimise Pressure Vessel Downtime

February 21, 2020

While any industrial equipment needs routine inspections and maintenance, this goes double for pressure vessels due to the fact that when they malfunction, personal injury and property damage can happen in the most severe situations. Remember that these vessels work by pressurising their contents at the right temperature.

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Important Safety Precautions When Operating Pressure Vessels

February 7, 2020

Pressure vessels can be dangerous to operate since they are large containers that store liquids or gases at high temperatures for various purposes. Also, the contents of these containers are kept at a higher pressure than the surrounding pressure. When the pressure is not monitored and maintained correctly, it can cause serious, if not lethal, issues.

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Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers: Optimal Cooling Solutions to Different Applications

January 20, 2020

Shell and tube heat exchangers are popular among many industrial and commercial applications for a good reason. For one thing, the cylindrical shells and their internally mounted tube stacks are efficient. That's a prominent feature, one that's been put to good use in steamy-hot boiler rooms. Interestingly enough, because they're so efficient, they've found a second important role, one that facilitates the cooling of excessively hot system fluids.

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The Importance of Pressure Vessel Inspection to Avoid Potential Explosion Hazard

January 7, 2020

Straight to the point, for this is too serious of a matter to tolerate any distractions, this post turns towards the possibility of an explosion hazard. The pressure vessel industry has worked hard to minimize such potentially life-threatening hazards. No other risk factor consumes the attention of a design engineer more than this prospect. Of course, there are contingency plans in place, but that's not enough, not nearly.

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