Blog 2018

Pros and Cons of Spherical vs. Cylindrical Pressure Vessels

December 13, 2018

From a purely theoretical viewpoint, spherical pressure vessels are superior. When a fluid pushes outwards, the pressure exerted on that spheroidal void will be uniformly experienced by its rolled metal panels.

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What are the Different Hazard Levels in Pressure Vessels?

December 11, 2018

Pressure vessels must be assigned one of five possible hazard levels. Just as the AS 43434:2014 standards state, these ratings act as essential warnings. They tell everyone who approaches the fluid-charged enclosures that a potential hazard is contained, and it also classifies that hazard. Hazard Level A is the most dangerous, which means Hazard Level E is the least dangerous pressure containment condition.

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The Importance of ISO Standards' Compliance for Pressure Vessels

November 21, 2018

A books-worth of paperwork follows a pressure vessel around as it nears the commissioning finish line. Among those clipped and annotated pages, the ISO standards dominate the safety tests and engineering inspections. That all sounds impressive, but what are the ISO standards? Well, when pressure vessels comply with the International Organization for Standardization, they observe a set of meticulously applied rules. Those regulations are enforced by a special governing body.

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What are the Different Types of Heat Exchangers?

November 13, 2018

Although shell and tube systems receive a big chunk of coverage in engineering articles, they're not the only heat exchangers on the market. There are plate heat exchangers, regenerative models, and several disparate fluid-energy trading solutions available, so let's give them their chance to shine. The exposition begins now, with a review of shell and tube systems, for they've become something of a benchmark option.

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Causes of Sealing Mechanism Damage in Pressure Vessels

October 26, 2018

Pressure vessels are built to deliver incredible amounts of material resistant strength. The sheet steel may bulge slightly, but it's thick enough and so alloy-toughened that it'll never fracture. Meticulously conducted inspections check and recheck that primary feature. It's the same with weld seams, which are applied by experts and inspected by professionals. Sealing mechanism damage is the one design flaw that can undermine those arduously addressed checks-and-balances.

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Fired Heaters and Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers Assessment Checklist

October 11, 2018

Direct-fired heaters are classed as complex constructs. The fire heats a gas or liquid. Perhaps the flame directly burns an object. Industrial furnaces slot into that latter category. As for shell and tube heat exchangers, those vessels use fired heat, too, but this time the thermal energy is indirectly applied. Whatever the form, then, a checklist is mandated, one that'll secure the two heating architectures and determine their safety classifications.

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Meeting High Standards for Pressure Vessel Building for the Petro-Chemical Industry

September 26, 2018

Some pressure vessel fabrication services record pages of technical documents, which act as capability statements. Other fabricators, just as capable engineering services, let their actions do the talking. One thing's for certain, though, both groups strive to meet the loftiest industry standards, especially when that industry involves the petrochemical sector.

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Pressure Vessels: The Importance of In-Service Inspection

September 13, 2018

Primarily used on closed-loop refrigeration and air conditioning systems, the pressure vessels described here are constantly under attack from a number of processing factors. If those changes should affect the vessels adversely, the subsequent pressure changes will likely weaken a weld seam or cylindrical plate. Monitoring such events, on-site inspections prevent such dynamic processes from impacting these crucially important system fittings.

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What is the Purpose of Plant Equipment Evaluation?

August 27, 2018

If you've ever been inside a setting that's dominated by a predictive planned maintenance program, you know just how detail-oriented this work can become. In plant equipment evaluation, there are literally scores of log books to manage. On a larger site, perhaps a massive chemical processing facility, the books could fill an entire wall.

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In-Service Inspection of Pressure Equipment: Why is this Mandatory?

August 17, 2018

The general public doesn't have time for worrying about pressure equipment. And that's just fine. Anyway, all of the gear has been safely commissioned. They're safely storing high-pressure liquids and state-changing chemicals. High-temperature heat exchangers are at work, and they've also been meticulously inspected. However, although post-fabrication inspections are necessarily rigorous, they don't account for every possible in-service condition. To establish an operational baseline here, we need an in-service inspection.

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Common Causes of Chemical Leaks in Pressure Vessels

July 25, 2018

about day and night. Even a pinhole leak is a danger here, an inconceivable risk factor. In an effort to know-thy-enemy, studies have been conducted into the common causes of those caustic leaks. Why do they occur? Is there an engineering design strategy that will unequivocally address the issue? Let's find out.

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Transportable Pressure Vessel Equipment: Why Health and Safety Inspection is a Must?

July 13, 2018

Looking at transportable pressure vessel equipment, maybe a mobile system that's about to get underway, alarms are going off in the project manager's head. Checklist in hand, a wandering pen is ticking off a line of high-level engineering factors. Not to worry, there's a health and safety certification attached to the rig, so that mandatory check is backed by the full force of a trained inspector's equipment-assessing expertise.

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Compressed Air Receiver Vessels: Safety Inspection and Preventive Maintenance

June 27, 2018

The instant a compressed air receiver vessel goes online, a potentially dangerous volume of air is squeezed into a small space. Air is a harmless gas and the receiver vessel is made out of strong metals. The fact remains, compressed air contains destructive energies when it’s held in a little detention cell. No worries, a safety inspection is about to get the go-ahead.

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Non-Destructive Steps in Pressure Equipment Inspection

June 8, 2018

NDT inspections are an important service. As such, portable equipment is continually in use in all kinds of industrial locales, including petrochemical complexes and chemical processing facilities. Of interest to the on-site workers, there's a desire to know more about the Non-Destructive Testing procedures. Where does it begin? What steps and what tests come into play as the service proceeds? First off, a pair of seasoned eyes is just enough.

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Laundry Boiler Inspection and Maintenance Services in Melbourne

May 28, 2018

Laundry boiler maintenance is a necessarily uncompromising job. Imagine a pressure vessel on a Melbourne high street, a back room setting that's always loaded with steam. On the outside, the laundromat operates like any other business. The staff do their job, clothes are cleaned, and the hiss of steam fades into the background. Only this is a potentially dangerous site. The boiler, pressurized as it is, won't last long without hourly maintenance.

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Fiberglass Tanks and Vessels (FRP): Uses and Applications

May 8, 2018

If steel-plated pressure vessels are stronger than other fluid processing solutions, why would you want to work with any other material? The answer is easy enough to deduce. To make a long story short, some projects just don't need that kind of alloy-reinforced containment strength. It would be an impractical and prohibitively expensive practise, this metallurgical design approach. Another material needs to be optioned, one that calls upon an FRP solution.

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Pressure Vessel Testing Through Non Destructive Methods

April 30, 2018

There are certain industries that are absolutely beholden to the value of safety and thorough testing to ensure a workable environment. In the engineering field, particularly that which is comprised of pressurised vessels, it is extremely important that standards are upheld throughout the fabricating process.

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Tube and Shell Type Heat Exchangers: What are the Differences?

April 13, 2018

Comparative posts always present a challenge. Point in case, there are differences between tube and shell type heat exchangers. Tempting though it might be to just rattle off a list of contrasting vessel characteristics, we want to draw a definitive line between heat exchanger types. So, instead of throwing text against a wall and seeing what sticks, let's properly establish those equipment defining borders.

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Important Aspects of Thermal and Mechanical Design in Tankless Water Heaters

March 30, 2018

Bulky industrial tankless water heaters provide substantial volumes of on-demand hot water. The tank is missing from the shrewdly engineered equipment's material footprint, yet it still occupies a large slice of real estate within its containment site. It's undeniably efficient, this trim unit, but still can't just be installed and forgotten. Before this tankless project receives a seal of approval, it had better satisfy the following commission-relevant criteria.

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Factors that Influence Pressure Equipment Hazard Level

March 20, 2018

As defined by the AS 4343 standards, pressure equipment hazard levels do exist as a living document, one that's meant to clearly identify the risk factors that accompany this field of activity. By risks, we're referring to the immense pressures and volumes that shape this potentially dangerous industry.

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Pressure Equipment Management System Services

February 28, 2018

As a rule, management types operate from behind a desk. Management systems services leave that cosy environment behind. The supervisory body gets down and dirty as they arrange for pressure vessels inspections. Other than that essential duty, the management team regulates the certification process, develops material testing programs, and basically oversee every stage of the vessel's design.

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Pressure Equipment Inspection Services

February 14, 2018

The goal of this essay is to illustrate a few key facts. The lesson we're about to document seeks to illuminate, so it must be free of rhetoric. Cold hard facts are on the agenda, the sort of data that proves a pressure equipment service is more than a briefly addressed assignment. No, this is a finely honed procedural undertaking, a commissioned activity that's backed by a dossier full of formally recorded documentation.

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Differences Between Liquid Pipeline and Natural Gas Pipeline

January 29, 2018

While a liquid pipeline and a natural gas pipeline may have the same purpose, the actual results of their two tasks are quite different. If you spend any amount of time on the internet doing research, you will quickly come to the conclusion that there is a raging debate going on in the manufacturing and energy-related field regarding liquid and natural gas pipelines.

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Design Process Considerations in Pressure Vessel

January 15, 2018

Industrial fabrication shops weigh the following design process considerations when a newly commissioned pressure vessel enters its developmental cycle. First of all, what's the role of this alloy-strengthened storage unit? Then there's the fluid type to resolve, the operating conditions, and a whole array of design issues to crack.

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