Computer Aided Design of Pressure Vessels

April 28, 2016

A CAD or computer aided design environment makes all kinds of processing decisions possible. Libraries of software are installed within the program, immense groups of virtual vessel shapes and easily modifiable engineering forms. The computer aided design of pressure vessels is partially moderated by this on-hand series of design modules, but it's still the keen eye of the design engineer that controls how the vessel assembles into its final form.

Pressure Vessel Codes Rule Computer Designs

Computer space is a make-believe setting, but it's based on real-world concepts. The dimensionally accurate welded steel shells are simulated, but they're based on the properties of real alloys, meaning they'll react, virtually, to mathematically imposed mechanical stresses, even though those stresses are viewed on a computer monitor. The only difference between this specialized CAD package and a generalized software program is the incorporation of proprietary engineering protocols. The mathematics underlying the software is dominated by ASME codes and special national guidelines as set in place by authoritative governing bodies.

Exploring the Computer Aided Design of Pressure Vessels

The software is built to design and aid in the fabrication of welded vessels, strong containers that store pressurized fluids. In running the software, the vessel is built from the virtual ground up, converted into three-dimensional space, and tasked with the validation of load-carrying specifications. Once dimensionally confirmed for layout, the digitized vessel is fitted with and run through infinite modifications until the finalized product is saved and ready to be fabricated in a workshop setting. Spherical components are matched against cylindrically rolled metal sheets, again in computer space, at which point the assembling geometrical form is assessed for its design, its ability to safely contain pressurized fluids.

The Advantages of a CAD Workflow

In plugging in real-world physical data, a design engineer runs all kinds of inspections before ever starting the fabrication work. The computer aided design of pressure vessels saves time and money in this manner by placing productivity and safety firmly in the grasp of computational models, a realm where anything is possible but only so far as is allowed by incorporated laws of physics. Simulations of different materials are run, as are simulated stress tests, and all of these structural analysis procedures are documented without ever picking up a single tool.

CAD design has had a profound effect on pressure vessel design practices, with virtual workflows enhancing productivity while simulated analysis routines enable vastly flexible tests to be run.

Contact Details

Fusion - Weld Engineering Pty Ltd
ABN 98 068 987619

1865 Frankston Flinders Road,
Hastings, VIC 3915

Ph: (03) 5909 8218

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