Pressure Vessel Testing Through Non Destructive Methods

April 30, 2018

There are certain industries that are absolutely beholden to the value of safety and thorough testing to ensure a workable environment. In the engineering field, particularly that which is comprised of pressurised vessels, it is extremely important that standards are upheld throughout the fabricating process. With pressurised vessels, it is important to employ techniques that are non-destructive yet still completely accurate in their findings in relation to locking in on proper pressurisation. Vessels that do not meed or exceed these pressure standards are a danger to the company, the workers, and the goal of their task. Let's leap right into the importance of pressure vessel testing by way of nondestructive methods.

The Value of Pressure Vessel Testing and the Proper Methods to Employ

For those that are not familiar with the industry, pressure vessels are typically vessels that are designed to hold vapour, liquids or gas in a pressurised environment. Typically, these pressurised vessels need to sit above 15 PSIG. You'll typically find these vessels to be used extensively for boilers and storage tanks, petroleum rigs and even chemical processing plants. Just looking at the industries that require pressurised vessels can show that you need to have the safe equipment. What does this mean? This means that we need to have a safe and non-destructive method for analysing the proper pressure rating of our vessels. Let's look at a few key testing methods that are non-destructive and accurate in assessing the quality of our pressure vessels.

  1. Ultrasonic Testing - The first testing method that we are going to discuss is that of Ultrasonic Testing. Ultrasonic Testing is a non-destructive testing method that is used extensively in the field of pressure vessels. Using specially calibrated sound waves, engineers bounce sounds within their pressure vessels in order to pull back data that will point out potential flaws. The value of ultrasonic testing also comes from the fact that it can highlight invisible flaws that would otherwise have gone unnoticed.
  2. Hydrostatic Testing - The second testing method we are going to highlight is that of Hydrostatic Testing. This simple testing method involves filling the vessel with water and compressing it to the proper PSI. Engineers may add special fluorescent dyes in order to help them look for leaks. Water is the most common liquid used for this testing procedure.

Making sure to explore proper vessel testing is one of the most important aspects of the entire fabrication process. If these pressurised vessels are not found to be safe and functional, it can lead to problems for everyone involved.

Contact Details

Fusion - Weld Engineering Pty Ltd
ABN 98 068 987619

1865 Frankston Flinders Road,
Hastings, VIC 3915

Ph: (03) 5909 8218

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