Vessel Design and Inspections Service by Fusionweld

March 20, 2015

Compliance with vessel legislation requirements is a stage of the engineering process that offers little leeway. This heavy-duty shell is built to endure hazardous pressures and transient changes over extended periods and must accomplish this task with a requisite safety margin. The Fusion Weld approach to this weighty issue is entrenched in solidly grounded regulations, including the mandatory AS3788 routine in-service inspection, but design specifications also call for an initial commissioning inspection and the possibility of future re-commission work.

Logically, the inaugural finishing process takes place under a controlled setting, perhaps on a factory floor or a warehouse environment. This affords the commissioning stage greater flexibility than an in-service inspection, leading to hands-on management of the task as governed by Fusion Weld technicians. Computer modelling software and dedicated scanning technologies play a key role in this scenario. Under the scope of ASME regulations and other relevant coded legislations, here's a sample of the available technology called upon for vessel inspection:

  • Wet fluorescent magnetic particle testing
  • Software modelling
  • Eddy current examinations
  • Ultrasonic thickness measurement

As indicated by the status of the vessel, this is one of the few occasions that an internal inspection is possible. An authorized inspector is assigned the task of visually evaluating the physical condition of the internal and external surface. This individual obeys the strictures of a documented inspection plan and compiles a report on any flaws found.

The design of a pressurized vessel is assessed by commissioning exams and onsite inspections, but the story doesn't end here. Regardless of these comprehensive testing procedures, no one can predict the future. A boiler or other form of heat exchanger may encounter a freak transient pressure spike. A separator vessel could age prematurely and present a hazard. These 'maybe' and 'could happen' situations are managed by intrinsic safety features, by the inclusion of safety valves and multiple redundancy systems that cover every possible scenario. Thus, inspections and design features go hand in hand when satisfying AS/NZS 3788, and an ISO9001 accredited facility possesses the structured and documented capabilities that are required to ensure each and every regulation is maintained.

The mandatory legislation of these rules is an important part of safety provisions, an aspect of peace of mind delivered by AICIP authorized and trained personnel, but we'd like to conclude this article with a more technical slant. Returning to the realm of engineering software, a 3D world represented by an ultra-realistic simulated environment, check outDesigncalcs and Integraph for two exciting examples of fine vessel designing software. Capable of modelling the majority of available vessels on the market, these splendid packages offer large libraries of valves, shells, and common materials as found in the vessel design industry.

Contact Details

Fusion - Weld Engineering Pty Ltd
ABN 98 068 987619

1865 Frankston Flinders Road,
Hastings, VIC 3915

Ph: (03) 5909 8218

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