Design Factors and Considerations for Pressure Vessels

January 23, 2023

A pressure vessel is one of the most important components in petrochemical and industrial process facilities. The word pressure vessel encompasses many vessels, including separation vessels, columns, storage vessels, reactors, unit heat exchangers, and many others. Because of the hazards connected with pressure vessel failures and accidents, national regulations and standards control the construction and operation of pressure vessels.

The design standards outline how various pressure vessels should be designed, tested, and inspected for manufacture and operation. Additionally, these standards define when a vessel is designated a pressure vessel. A minimum pressure rating (often 5.104 N/m2) is utilised to distinguish between pressure vessels and low-pressure tanks. A group of mechanical engineers, thermodynamics engineers, and process engineers develop pressure vessels to suit the specifications stated by the client.

When designing pressure vessels for a variety of uses, there are a lot of different considerations that need to be taken into account. Considerations about operation, design, and materials can be grouped as the three primary classifications for this set of elements. The following are some of the operational considerations that must be taken into account:

Operating Pressure

When building a pressure vessel, one needs to consider the typical working pressure and maximum sustained pressure. The requirements for the design of pressure vessels outline how the vessel should withstand both its working pressure and maximum pressure.

Conditions of Fluidity

When designing an overall pressure vessel, the lowest possible and highest possible fluid temperatures must be addressed and accounted for. The choice of building material will be influenced by the chemical and physical characteristics of the fluid. On the other hand, the specific gravity will affect the design of the support.

External Loads

Snow and wind are two types of loads that must be considered, together with local loads such as the weight of equipment supported by the vessel and connected pipework, fastened or welded connections.

Transient Conditions

An analysis of cyclic loads resulting from acoustic, structural, temperature, and pressure vibration loading could be necessary for some pressure vessels.

Considerations for the Design

It is imperative that the design factors, which include geometrical characteristics, be outlined. The plant design team is responsible for determining the majority of these criteria; however, some of them are left up to the judgment of the pressure vessel designer. When designing a pressure vessel, some major functional considerations that should be made include the following:

• The contours and proportions of the vessel.

• Support technique for the vessel

• Dimensions and placement of attachments like nozzle flanges and connections, for example.

Important Material Factors to Consider

After considering both operational and design considerations, you can select an appropriate construction material based on the conclusions you have drawn from your research. Some standards for pressure vessels specify the suitable materials that can withstand the design stresses and required temperature ranges.

Clad materials can also be employed. However, in most cases, the thickness of the base material is all that should be considered for design calculations. Additionally, if the buyer and the designer agree, proprietary materials can be utilised for one-of-a-kind applications. However, before allowing a particular material, regulatory authorities may request evidence of the successful execution of similar projects in the past.

Contact Details

Fusion - Weld Engineering Pty Ltd
ABN 98 068 987619

1865 Frankston Flinders Road,
Hastings, VIC 3915

Ph: (03) 5909 8218

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