The Working Principles of Self-Bunded Tanks and Why You Should Get One

May 10, 2023

The construction of self-bunded tanks allows them to store a wide range of liquids often utilised by varying industries and prevent the content from leaking and spilling.

Fuel, oil, chemicals, and other liquids should be stored well so that businesses can take advantage of them whenever necessary. One way to store them optimally is through a tank.

One type of tank that businesses in various industries can take advantage of is a self-bunded tank. A self-bunded tank utilises an outer layer and an inner layer with a space in between. The outer layer works as a containment barrier, while the inner layer is intended to hold the liquid being stored. It is a popular choice for storing previously stated liquids.

Working Principles of Self Bunded Tanks

The general design of a self-bundedtank allows it to prevent spills and leaks, making sure that the stored liquid will remain safe and contained before it is used. The double-walled construction of the tank provides a second line of defence if ever the primary containment system fails. The space between the two walls of the tank is identified as the bund. The bund intends to hold the entire contents of the inner tank in case of a spill or leak.

This specific area of a self-bunded tank is made from a high-quality material that can resist the effects of the liquid being stored. If a tank, for instance, is designed to store diesel fuel, its inner layer should be made from steel or polyethylene to make it resistant to the said liquid. The outer layer, alternatively, must be made from a material that can resist corrosion and weathering.

Aside from the material, a self-bunded tank must be equipped with safety features so it can operate safely and efficiently. Some of these features include an overfill protection system and a leak detection system. These systems intend to prevent the tank from overfilling and alert operators about the presence of leaks or spills, respectively.

Significance of Buying a Self-Bunded Tank

There are numerous reasons why you should consider getting and buying a self bunded tank for your storage needs. Some of these reasons are as follows.

• Increased Safety: Self bunded tanks are designed with safety in mind, providing a secure and reliable method for storing liquids. With its double-walled construction, you can protect your staff from potential injuries caused by liquid exposure. It can also make sure that the environment will not suffer from any potential effects of spills or leaks.

• Improved Operation: A self-bunded tank does not only store liquids, but it can also streamline industrial processes. By integrating additional systems, this tank can fill and dispense liquids without wasting any resources. It can even alert you of any potential tank damages, allowing you to service it right away.

• Enhanced Savings: The need for additional containment measures for your business can be reduced significantly once you acquire and invest in a self-bunded tank. It can also cut your expenses as it does not require frequent maintenance and servicing.

• Ensured Compliance: One more reason why you must consider getting and buying a self-bunded tank is it can guarantee that your operation will comply with regulatory standards. This type of tank can often meet industry standards and regulations, making it a safe and reliable option for your storage needs. It can also prevent you from attaining hefty fines.

A self-bunded tank is an efficient and cost-effective method of storing liquids. Its double-walled construction provides an extra layer of protection against spills and leaks, ensuring that the stored liquid for your business operation remains safe and contained.

Contact Details

Fusion - Weld Engineering Pty Ltd
ABN 98 068 987619

1865 Frankston Flinders Road,
Hastings, VIC 3915

Ph: (03) 5909 8218

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